Tanks are dangerous and powerful, and it'd be fun to roll one around an empty region and crush rocks, but Tanks 2D War and Heroes can help. On an unknown front, the infantry has retreated and left the war to the pilots, drivers, gunners, and vehicles. With the MC-1 tank, you can win, but it won't be easy. Use your tank's might to end the war.
Tanks 2D War and Heroes is a 2D side-scrolling typing/mouse game about tanks destroying other vehicles.
Each level aims to defeat all local foes. The upper left corner of the screen displays your stats and enemy count when you start. After defeating all foes, you'll gain money and stars dependent on tank damage. The bottom of the screen displays finite power-ups like Artillery and Repair Crates.
Gameplay begins on the left and adversaries approach from the right. Without correct gear, enemy health won't be visible, so utilize intuition. Avoiding enemy fire requires moving out of the path and only direct hits do damage. When an adversary dies, you can roll past them. Ground mines will damage contact. You must reset the level if your tank is destroyed.
Your tank will suffer hits, so kill foes swiftly before they can do too much damage. Try different cannon angles to test range and reload speed. Landmines should be checked and removed using shells to protect health in Tanks 2D War and Heroes.
Have fun and good luck!